Learning Communities
Residential Learning Communities (RLC)
Adventures in Surfing and Sustainability |
San Diego is a Southern Californian surfing mecca. The Adventures in Surfing and Sustainability community is for any level of surfer and will get members stoked on surfing, its history and its transition to sustainability. Through hands-on experiences and lectures, students will learn about the threats to surfing culture and environments, San Diego's surf-driven culture of sustainability and how to be a part of the solution to global challenges. Students in this community are typically enrolled in PSFA 100 and University Seminar.
APIDA Leadership, Identity, Scholarship and Togetherness (A-LIST) Community |
The A-LIST Community is a program designed specifically to support students who have an interest in APIDA (Asian Pacific Islander Desi American) culture, histories, and activism. In order to dismantle the harmful effects of the Model Minority Myth and reclaim what it means to achieve, this learning community will focus on APIDA Leadership, Identity, Scholarship and Togetherness (A-LIST). This is a safe and intellectually-stimulating space to pursue active development and engagement as an APIDA community around APIDA issues. A-LIST members will gain the skills and knowledge necessary to successfully transition into college while celebrating and exploring various APIDA heritages. Students in this community are typically enrolled in University Seminar and receive priority in several APIDA Center programs including experiential field trips.
Black Excellence |
The Black Excellence learning community strives to provide a safe and affirming environment for African-American, African and/or Black freshman students. Members will have an opportunity to develop lifelong friendships, engage in educational and social programming that affirm and celebrate African culture, identity, and community. Students also learn about campus resources and organizations. Students in this community are enrolled in a 100 level Africana Studies Course and a Black Resource Center (BRC) University Seminar for entering-students, known as the Henrietta Goodwin Scholars (HGS) course. The HGS students are all assigned an academic coach from the BRC.
*Priority for this residential community will be given to students who have applied for programs or are involved in programs aligned with the mission by the associated campus resource center.
Business |
The Business learning community provides opportunities for students to explore innovation, creativity and character development in the business field with an emphasis on the development of business ethics and personal values. Students in this community are typically enrolled in Business Administration 100B and Economics 101.
Discover San Diego State |
The Discover San Diego State community is designed to introduce students to the university and the San Diego area. Members have the opportunity to get tips on how to transition to a college and a new city. Students in this community are typically enrolled in University Seminar.
Emerging Leaders Program |
The Emerging Leaders Program is an exciting and interactive learning experience that will introduce students to leadership development and the SDSU Leadership Minor. Students in this community are typically enrolled in the first course of the Leadership Minor, ARP 205 (Exploring Leadership) and ARP 296 (Introduction to Leadership).
Future Education Professionals |
In the Future Education Professionals community, students will explore the fulfillment and opportunities available in educational careers. All majors are welcome. Students in this community are typically enrolled in University Seminar.
Health and Healing Professions |
In the Health and Healing Professions community, students interested in health or allied health professions will examine the role of healing, nutrition and wellness. Students will have networking opportunities in the fast-growing fields of health and healing. Students in this community are typically enrolled in Sociology 101 and University Seminar.
Journalism and Media Studies |
In the Journalism and Media Studies community, students will learn about advertising, journalism, public relations and other professional media fields. Participants undertake activities and seminars focused on the media industry and get a broad look at the opportunities in these professional communication fields. Students in this community are typically enrolled in Journalism and Media Studies 200 and University Seminar.
Journey to Entrepreneurship |
This interactive learning experience will provide insight into the world of entrepreneurship. Students will explore and learn key elements of starting a company and hear stories from entrepreneurship alumni. Students from all majors are welcome. Students in this community are typically enrolled in Business Administration 100B.
Level Up! |
The Level Up! Residential Learning Community is a vibrant and inclusive space for gaming enthusiasts of all backgrounds and skill levels. Students will find a welcoming environment to explore their gaming passions and level up their college experience. Members can join gaming sessions catering to various interests, improve skills, and explore career opportunities in the gaming industry. Students in this community are typically enrolled in a University Seminar course.
Men Engaging in Science and Technology (METS) |
The Men Engaging in Science and Technology (METS) community provides services and activities to help support men pursuing their studies in the sciences, technology, engineering and mathematics. Students in this community are typically enrolled in Political Science 102 and University Seminar.
Multicultural Learning Community (MLC) |
The Multicultural Learning Community (MLC) is a diverse community of students from various backgrounds and identities. As members of the MLC, students will live in a welcoming, inclusive community committed to advancing justice, equity, diversity and inclusion. Through workshops and group discussions, students will explore their own identity in a safe and supportive learning environment. Students will also explore topics related to diversity such as race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, ability and religion. The MLC will cultivate diverse student leaders who understand, respect and value differences between themselves and others. Students in the MLC will gain an expanded worldview that will advance their success at SDSU and beyond. Students in this community are typically enrolled in American Indian Studies 140 and University Seminar.
Nuestra Casa |
The Nuestra Casa learning community provides an exciting opportunity for Latinx/e students to explore and learn about various identities, cultures and racial justice factors of the Latinx/e community. Through on-campus programming and off-campus activities, members will have the opportunity to develop lifelong friendships, while building a culturally-sustaining network of support. Students also engage in multiple campus enrichment acativities that provide deep connections to San Diego’s historic Latinx/e community. Members will have access to a peer mentor support team and are typically enrolled in a University Seminar Course (equivalent to RWS 200). The class content is centered on the cultural, social and academic needs of Latinx/e students.
*Priority for this residential community will be given to students who have applied for programs or are involved in programs sponsored by the associated campus resource center.
Nursing |
The Nursing community provides students with the opportunity to develop lifelong friendships and a strong social support system with classmates during their journey through the rigorous Nursing program. Students in this community will form study groups, attend workshops and network with upper-division Nursing students. Students in this community are enrolled in several science-intensive courses such as Microbiology, General Organic and Biological Chemistry and Human Anatomy.
Physical Fitness (P-Fit) |
The Physical Fitness (P-Fit) community fosters wellness and healthy lifestyle choices for students interested in the fields of exercise, nutrition and physical activity. Students in this community are typically enrolled in University Seminar.
Pre-Law Community |
The Pre-Law community provides services and activities to help support student success in pursuing a law career. Students will learn about university success and career options through guest speakers, on-campus visits and involvement with other students, faculty and staff. Students in this community are typically enrolled in Philosophy 102 and University Seminar.
Pride House (2SLGBTQIA+) |
Pride House is a peer mentorship program for first-year undergraduate students facilitated through the SDSU Pride Center. Pride House is designed to foster community, enhance education, and support matriculation for 2SLGBTQIA+ students in collaboration with LGBTQ+ Studies and Housing and Residential Education. Alongside peer-to-peer mentorship, students take a weekly 1-credit seminar course in the fall and spring semester exploring various 2SLGBTQIA+ topics to promote and encourage self-exploration. This course strives to place student experiences and identities in the context of queer social justice movements in the United States and beyond.
Skateboarding and Social Change |
The Skateboarding and Social Change Residential Learning Community provides an inclusive and supportive space where skaters of all skill levels and identities can thrive. Through workshops, events, and conversations with industry leaders, professional skaters, activists, and global skate diplomacy advocates, students will better understand skateboarding’s impact on business, culture, and social movements. Join us in shaping a future where skateboarding becomes a driving force for both personal growth and a more equitable world. Students in this community are typically enrolled in a University Seminar course.
Visual and Performing Arts |
Students can express themselves creatively through music, dance, film making and many other art forms. This community will examine the distinctions amongst various modes of creative expression. Film screenings, guest artists and workshops will be offered. Students in this community are typically enrolled in Theatre 100 and University Seminar.
Weber Honors College |
Students interested in living in this community must first apply and be accepted to the Weber Honors College. Honors students living in this community share a commitment to achievement and enjoy an array of academic, co-curricular and experiential activities focused on deep engagement. All students in this community are required to enroll in HONOR 100 (Honor Seminar) in the fall semester.
Women's & Gender Equity House (WAGE) |
The Women and Gender Equity (WAGE) program supports incoming first-year students in their academic goals, while also offering leadership and professional development opportunities early in their college career. As an offering through the Women’s Resource Center (WRC), WAGE seeks inclusion and retention of women and gender-expansive students on campus through biweekly peer-to-peer mentorship, community building, and a year-long course tailored to student experiences and interests. Students in this community are typically enrolled in WMNST 102 and a university seminar.
Please visit https://sacd.sdsu.edu/womens-resource/wage-program for more information.
Women in Science and Engineering (WISE) |
WISE is a supportive community for women interested in careers in the sciences, technology, math and engineering. Students in this community are typically enrolled in Political Science 102 and University Seminar.
Thematic Living Communities (TLC)
Aztec Engineering |
The Aztec Engineering program supports engineering students by housing them together for support and study group development.
Extended Quiet Study |
Available in various halls, these areas feature extended quiet study hours as determined by the residents. All residents and their guests are required to adhere to these policies.
Reserve Officers' Training Corps (ROTC) |
The Reserve Officers' Training Corps (ROTC) community supports students enrolled in SDSU's ROTC program.
Substance Free |
Substance Free community members desire to live a well-balanced and fun way of life and are looking to share these values with other like-minded individuals. Students in this community pledge to live their lives free of alcohol, tobacco and other mind-altering substances both on and off-campus. All residents and their guests are required to adhere to these policies.
*All SDSU residence halls comply with all state and federal regulations relating to the use of alcohol and other drugs.
Learning Community Enrollment
First-year students may apply for a learning community during Stage II of the license agreement process on the Housing Portal. Placement in a learning community is based on availability, and for that reason can not be guaranteed. By selecting one or multiple learning community interests, you are agreeing to be placed in that community and the classes associated with it (if applicable). Students will be notified of learning community placement, if any, in their July housing assignment email.