COVID-19 Information for Residents

COVID-19 Vaccine

While the COVID-19 vaccine is not required, it is highly recommended for all students in accordance with CDC guidance. Refer to the Immunization Requirements Page for a comprehensive list of vaccines that are required for all regularly enrolled students. 

Public health officials in the United States and with the World Health Organization are reporting declines in COVID-19-related deaths, hospitalizations and intensive care unit admissions. Agencies are also reporting high levels of population immunity to SARS-CoV-2. Given improved local and national conditions, residential students will no longer be required to complete COVID-19 testing prior to or following move-in.

  • COVID-19 testing will remain available at the Calpulli Center during business hours.
  • Home rapid test kits continue to be available for purchase at the Student Health Services Pharmacy.

Positive COVID-19 Test

In accordance with the San Diego County and Imperial County, San Diego State University updated its isolation and quarantine policy on Jan. 22, 2024 for students, faculty and staff. Per the updated policy, SDSU community members with COVID-19 are permitted to return to school and work as long as they are fever-free for 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medication and their symptoms are both mild and improving. Those who test positive but are asymptomatic do not need to isolate, but should take measures to reduce exposure to others, according to updated county and state guidance. 

Here’s what to expect when a student resident tests positive for COVID-19 while living in on-campus housing*.

*On-campus housing includes students with a housing license agreement through SDSU. It does not include students in SDSU-affiliated housing.

Step 1: If a student has tested positive, all students must continue to report their positive COVID-19 test results to SDSU. If tested at SDSU, the results are typically ready within 3-4 days. If not tested at SDSU, the student should report their positive test within 2 hours of receipt.

Step 2: Following the positive test result, the student is contacted by a COVID Assessment and Response team member to help understand onset of symptoms and assist with notification of close contacts as needed.

Step 3: Students who are feeling unwell should stay home and not go to classes, work or other activities. While experiencing symptoms, the student should stay in their room unless they need to use the building’s facilities (bathroom, shower, kitchen, laundry, etc.), pick up food or attend a doctor’s appointment. When using the building’s facilities or picking up food, the student must wear a facial covering at all times. The student may pick up food on campus or order food using delivery app services such as Doordash, GrubHub and AmazonFresh.  

Per the updated policy, students with COVID-19 are permitted to return to school and work as long as they are fever-free for 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medication and their symptoms are both mild and improving. Students should wear a facial covering while around others through day 10 after symptom onset or until they have had two negative COVID tests, at least 24 hours apart.